Actors of CBS Radio Mystery Theater

Of the total 26 actors who appeared in CBS Radio Mystery Theater, there are 46 actors still alive with the median age of 79 years old. The average life expectancy of a CBS Radio Mystery Theater actor is 87 years.

Each actor appeared in an average of 4 episodes. Besides announcers Tammy Grimes and EG Marshall, actor Robert Dryden appeared in the most episodes; he starring in over 300 episodes!

Actor Image Episodes Comments Rating
Swift Alan 1 5 5
Swenson Karl 2 9 9
Sutton Delores 1 1 8 8
Strudwick Sheppard 1 1 7 7
Strickland Amzie 2 1 11 11
Straight Beatrice 5 2 17 17
Stiller Jerry 1 5 25 25
Stevens Warren 1 5 5
Stevens Kay T. 1 4 4
Sternhagen Frances 13 3 33 33
Stang Arnold 5 3 15 15
Sorel Guy 39 1 17 17
Sohmers Barbara 2 2 2
Smith Sydney 1 3 9 9
Smith Lois 3 2 13 13
Sloan Sidney 5 5 5
Silver Joe 35 5 43 43
Sheppard Ann 18 9 24 24
Shelley Carole 1 5 5
Shay Joan 109 5 76 76
Seymour Anne 6 14 14
Seth Richard 2 3 3
Seldes Marian 206 25 137 137
Scourby Alexander 14 5 25 25
Schnabel Stefan 3 7 7
Scardino Don 26 2 29 29