Actors of CBS Radio Mystery Theater

Of the total 12 actors who appeared in CBS Radio Mystery Theater, there are 46 actors still alive with the median age of 79 years old. The average life expectancy of a CBS Radio Mystery Theater actor is 87 years.

Each actor appeared in an average of 4 episodes. Besides announcers Tammy Grimes and EG Marshall, actor Robert Dryden appeared in the most episodes; he starring in over 300 episodes!

Actor Image Episodes Comments Rating
Worthington Barbara 1 6 6
Woods Lesley 3 2 8 8
Winkler Betty 1 4 4
Williams Ann 33 19 19
Wiggins Tudi 2 10 10
White Jane 1 4 4
Wheel Patricia 6 13 13
Watt Billie Lou 1 8 10 10
Warrick Ruth 1 1 8 8
Walker Sydney 5 1 12 12
Waldo Janet 3 9 9
Wager Michael 35 2 45 45