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The Conspiracy


After having been abandoned by her lover, a vengeful model plots the downfall of a hapless photographer who just happens to be her first love.



Air Dates

  • First Run - November 15, 1978
  • Repeat - May 18, 1979





43     12

5 Responses to Episode 0918

Episode 0918, "The Conspiracy" is similar in title to 1071, "Conspiracy", however they are both uniquely different stories.

Mark Main

This episode is mind-numbingly snooze inducing. Most mystery theater eps run about 51 minutes. Struggling to get through this ep it seemed like it was 3 hours and 50 minutes long. Here is the plot as far as I can get it. A 37 year old woman recalls 20 years early when she went on her first modeling assignment shoot. The first day she falls madly in love with the photographer. The next day she goes back to the shoot and sees the apparently gay photographer now walk off hand in hand with a boy. The woman is of course devastated, can't stop crying, has to be admitted into an insane asylum, and in between the tears plots her revenge. Spoiler alert following! The revenge is she figures out some ridiculous and unexplained method where the camera doesn't photograph the visual image of her but captures her subconscious feelings onto the film. That's her revenge on the photographer for dumping her for a boy. [I kid you not.]

D.C. Klinkensmit

Listening to this version of "Conspiracy" and it is about John Wilkes Booth, not a model. Another mystery to solve: What happened to the episode about the model?


D.C.:. Friend, I thank u for saving me from the pain of mind numbing... Soon as I read ur comment I remembered having heard this episode b4. And your analysis is spot on.. IMHO..


Confusing episode. I don’t think the photographer was fact as far as I can gather the main protagonists weren’t even lovers. She was just in love with him. After a one day -one sided relationship, it hardly seems fair to blame the photographer if the young lady was committed to an asylum for 5 years. Unnecessarily dramatic in a not-very-interesting way….

Oliver Parr

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