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The Power of Ode


A woman afraid of light becomes the center of affection for two friends. A psychic tells her that she is attuned to the force of all living things and she believes him.



Air Dates

  • First Run - April 20, 1981
  • Repeat - July 16, 1981





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10 Responses to Episode 1187

I really enjoyed this episode.It was so pleasant to listen to.

Michel David

If I'd have written E.G.'s script for intros and outros on this one, I'd have tried to include: "It's said if you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything..." This is sort of a "love quadrangle" with a semi-supernatural twist. An old and somewhat pushy college chum (I didn't get the credits but I believe it was Robert Calaban) calls up his friend and wants to get together right away. The friend's happy but reticent to meet up...he invites the chum to a garden party. Turns out the party's at a mansion of his lady love who inherited it from her deceased parents. When they get there, the college buddy starts to get pie-eyed over his friend's girl, but she's already held by the attention of some old college professor who's telling her about the "powers of ode". Magnetism is an "ode", energy is an "ode", life forces are "odes" get my drift. The old fellow (played by a well-accented Norman Rose) is lame and has problems walking somehow. The girl, who lost both her parents, follows his lectures on "odes" (which were the brainstorm of some 18th century German industrialist E.G. tells us about) with rapt attention. And the poor guy who's in love with her finds himself disturbed both by his friend's attention to her and by the way she's spellbound by Rose's character. Interesting element of episode...each of the three acts begins with a narration by a different character...first the guy in love (after he receives the phone call), then the second act starts with the girl, and the third act starts with a narration by the pushy guy.

Ken Brackow

I liked the episode but I think the end was not developed to its potential. It was too simplistic - the other men should have feigned illness to get the attentions of Lirna and her Od!


She only had eyes for Hans from the start. She wouldn't have fallen for the two young guys no matter what they did. They were both wasting their time because they were like brothers to her. She wasn't interested in them at all.


I should say she wasn't interested *romantically* at all. She liked them as friends (or the brothers she never had), but she wasn't attracted to them. You could tell she was smitten with Hans right away, just be the way she said his name, lol!


...just *by* the way she said his name.


From Wikipedia: "The Odic force (also called Od) is the name given to a hypothetical vital energy or life force by Baron Carl von Reichenbach, who coined the name from that of the Norse god Odin in 1845.… It is regarded today as an example of pseudoscience." (Jada Rowland is far more believable as a young woman than Mercedes McCambridge or Agnes Moorehead.)


Another strange psychological drama with yet another Freudian father-daughter/therapist-patient style relationship as the central theme. (For some reason, Elspeth Eric seems fascinated by this topic.) Not my favorite type of story for this series.


to be honest, the worst episode I have ever heard on CBSRMT and the ending is as bad as the episode.


I have to admit that I have to brace myself whenever I see "Elspeth Eric" as the author of an episode. I don't know exactly where her mind is sometimes - but, I also have to say - NOTHING brings back the 1970s than some of her mystical, ESP, psychic energy than listening to one of her stories. So, while I am braced for what I may get, I listen. I didn't look at the other names at first, and I thought the professor was Fred Gwyne. And, as is common with Espeth's stories, I wasn't exactly sure whether I liked any of the characters - The boyfriend was too mushy, his friend was not really a friend, the professor was manipulative (well, I guess it depends on whether you accept that he believes his own stories, or if he uses them for manipulation). And the girl is just weird. But, it was the 1970s (okay early 1980s), and this kind of scenario wasn't that far out for the times. Many television and radio shows dealt with the psychic energy and the energy of horoscopes and constellations. There were many cults that took advantage of young adults as they went off to "find themselves". And this show fits right in. I did enjoy listening to it (given the above constraints). I wouldn't necessarily want to listen to it again for a long long time. And, I just have to wonder what kind of life Elspeth Eric had that her stories intrigue and freak me out

jim shane

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