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Dr. Heidegger's Experiment


An aged and somewhat eccentric doctor invites some schoolmates to his residence for a scientific experiment. His experiment involves offering them all the magical waters from the fabled Fountain of Youth and examine if they will make the same mistakes as he did when he regained his youth.



Air Dates

  • First Run - February 7, 1978
  • Repeat - July 4, 1978





73     21

7 Responses to Episode 0778

I feel sorry for the doctor that his test doesn't go well as planned. Heidegger expects his 4 rejuvenated friends would live better lives with smart minds & healthy bodies. But instead, they plan to live their former lives in the present: 3 men fighting over 1 woman. If you like Nathaniel Hawthorne's stories, check this episode out.


While I like the idea and the lessons taught, it has that feel about it. Kind-of like a victorian era feel or something. Reminds me of an English setting etc... not my preference. But the story is a good one and I like the idea of "If I just had xyz" does not make you a better person etc.. Kind-of like if your a jerk without money and you get money now your a jerk with money. :) Thanks for the suggestion of this show!


interesting spin on the Nathaniel Hawthorne original story

Gina Schackel

This could have been one of the best adaptations that Mystery Theater attempted. However, the story just took so long to set up. When the elderly characters began to experiment with the "magic fluid" the episode took off. But the pacing by that time was just off. It was not the worst episode, but could have been better. 3 stars.


Dr. Heidegger, an eccentric New Englander, invites four old friends to his laboratory and entices them into drinking glasses of water a friend has sent him from Florida’s fabled Fountain of Youth. The three men and one woman become much younger, but, instead of realizing the fallacies of their youth, the three men start fighting amongst themselves for the attention of the woman, just as they did 50 years before.


Dr. Heidegger, an eccentric New Englander, invites four old friends to his laboratory and entices them into drinking glasses of water a friend has sent him from Florida’s fabled Fountain of Youth. The three men and one woman become much younger, but, instead of realizing the fallacies of their youth, the three men start fighting amongst themselves for the attention of the woman, just as they did 50 years before.


Another Wu Banger! The Elixir of Life!!! I just the old coot’s voice!!!!!

Scooter D & The WiFi OG Greens

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