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The Adventures of Don Quixote


The adventures of the fractured fairy tale of Don Quixote and his misadventures in 15th Century Spain. They are not giants, they are windmills.



Air Dates

  • First Run - August 24, 1977
  • Repeat - January 3, 1978
  • Repeat - December 29, 1979





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5 Responses to Episode 0699

The Adventures of Don Quixote was quite well done. The actor plays this total idiot, but he's quite likable at the same time, lol. The interesting thing about him is that even though he's a fool, he really is noble and brave at the same time - like when he stood up for those prisoners in chains and risked his life for them, etc. I realize this episode was based on a classic tale, but their presentation was fresh and natural. ....And speaking of classics, their version of "Romeo and Juliet" is painful to listen to. The actors are so hammy, lol. Arrrg!


# 699 - Yup! THIS has got to be my favorite! Now, if YOU have'nt heard this one yet, it's a must! You may very well change your mind about your favorite . . If you are familiar with this classic, old,old tale, you already know it's been made into movies, broadway shows, and TV specials. If you've never heard it, read it or seen it, that's okay, because this adaption stands well on it's own. It's NOT a mystery . . . It's NOT a drama . . . it is, in every way, a comedy ! Arnold Moss is fantastic, perfect in fact, for this part. Also, be glad it's not a musical adaption. The audio quality is pretty good, too. Listen for Quixote's attack on the "giants" he encounters during his quest to find the love of his life. Overall, a FUN EPISODE TO LISTEN TO !


Not only do I applaud for Arnold Moss for writing this amusing CBSRMT episode of Miguel De Cervantes' classic, but I also applaud for him for playing the main character. Don Quixote's imagination takes control after reading the Chivalric novels he has read. Perhaps the Mystery in this tale is wonder what kind of stories was he reading. King Arthur? Sir Lancelot? Robin Hood? Beowulf? Don Quixote is a Noble Spaniard who thinks he's a knight, he thinks the Inn is a Castle, he thinks the Windmills are giants, he thinks the watermill is a torture chamber, and he thinks the chain gang are helpless peasants. He's a fool, but a likable fool. His best line was at the 40-minute 14-second mark when he said, "Anyone can take life from a man. But no one can take death." The Spaniard music and the chivalrous sound effects were perfect to make this episode adventerous. I rate this 4 out 5 stars because even though it's a great adaptation, but E.G. Marshall made 1 big mistake in this. He mentioned Larry Haines as part of the cast with Arnold Moss (as Don Quixote), Bryna Raeburn (as Esmeralda), and Court Benson (as the Innkeeper). The actor who played the role of Sancho Panza, Don Quixote's loyal servant, was NOT Larry Haines. It was Robert Dryden. If you want to hear Larry Haines' voice, check out Ep. #0167-THE BLACK ROOM. But anyway, check this one out, everyone. It's a mystery of delight.


Don Quixote becomes so deeply involved reading romances of chivalry that he finally believes them to be true and, considering himself a knight-errant, goes forth in the world to defend the oppressed and undo wrongs. With the good-natured, middle-aged peasant Sancho Panza as his squire, the Don finds many opportunities for knightly combat, but he is forever transforming the common into the extraordinary: windmills become giants inns, castles chain gangs, oppressed gentlemen.


Larry Haines is shown as being in this episode, as Sancho Panza. However Robert Dryden is actually playing the part. Another example of E G Matshall's part being recorded some time before the actual program was recorded, and the error in his part was never corrected


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