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The Luck Sisters


This is the story of twin sister residents of a mining town. One always brings good fortune, the other nothing but bad luck. When the residents have a chance to all get rich, the bringer of bad luck should start feeling very nervous.



Air Dates

  • First Run - May 3, 1977
  • Repeat - September 18, 1977





136     17

16 Responses to Episode 0645

My first listen to Mystery Theater since I was a kid. Had to do a Fred Gwynne episode. Definitely a good one!

Jim E.

Loved the twist ending. You kind of knew that something like that would happen.


A small town of 100 superstitious inhabitants discovers that it's sitting on a gold mine. One woman, Janice Hollins Miller, is singled out as a carrier of bad luck. She's asked to leave town but when she refuses, the townspeople elect to take matters into their own hands.


Fred Gwynne stars in this episode. Bulwar, Colorado is a poor little Rocky Mountain town that owns a mine recently discovered to contain a wealth of gold. It looks like it will turn every resident into a multi-millionaire. The twin Miller sisters live in this town and they could not be more opposite. Eunice seems to have good luck with everything in life, but Janice and those around her have nothing but the worst possible luck. The town itself has a history of "bad luck" and some start to suspect that Janice is the cause - and to worry about the fate of the mine and their money. An excellent program!

Charles Isuekpe

This is the story of twin sister residents of a mining town. One always brings good fortune, the other nothing but bad luck. When the residents have a chance to all get rich, the bringer of bad luck should start feeling very nervous.

Nena L.

A town stands to come into a great sum of money to be distributed to the citizens but the mayor fears something will go wrong to dash their dreams and hopes. He searches for a pattern to his town's bad luck in the past and conencts it to one of two sisters. One has good luck; the other has bad luck. How will the town address this problem? Good episode, fun story, somewhat predictable ending, but enough of a twist to make the listener smile.

Hendrix Jr. luck would have it :)


This story might explain why I'm still a bachelor. Although I've never dated sisters, I have dated best friends. However they were both bad luck. Perhaps if they'd had gold in possession I might have been moved to more radical actions. A nice example in this story how ignorant superstition can sound plausible when told with a straight face. A nice, horrible example. And unfortunately the example given of the scientific method is woefully mangled and incomplete. Still I accept it all in the spirit of RMT. Witch burning is out of fashion at present. But not irrational witch hunts. (Of course in this tale the witch[s] are real.) So the well-meaning murderers get their comupance and we are left with a truly mixed ending, as in many of the RMT canon. Ah, for the good old days .

G. Gonzales

I enjoyed the use of a reporter as narrator. Plausability was a problem; I find it hard to believe that in a town of 99 not one good person would stand up to the murderous plot. Didn't Janice have any friends? The ending was telegraphed as well whenthey determined to use dynamite to kill her.


This story was kind of dull. The ending twist came out of nowhere and really surprised me. It wasn't one of my favorites, but it did have Fred Gwynne which is always a plus in my book.


This episode, the Luck Sisters was the featured episode of the day, and much thanks to this Website for that! It is a quiet episode whose malice and evil creeps up slowly. Who was the first to get it going? Interesting to go back and determine that. This is a morality tale, that is a companion piece to another morality tale "the Fall of Gentryville". They are similar in theme, about the corruptibility of people and groups- and both the episodes' titles are ironic. The Luck Sisters is kind of like Gentryville seen from the townspeople point of view, an inside view so to speak!


I've been listening to the CBS Radio Mystery Theatre since the mid 1970's; when I would struggle to get it from a Kitchener Ontario radio station called Big Country. And this was sometimes while sitting up against an antique radio in my parents living room. Later, Hamilton's CHML carried the show on Sundays. I love it and this is one of my favorite stories. Anything with Fred Gwynne is superb!

David Gower

It was a bit hard to empathize with Janice for some reason. She seemed rather tough, but the townspeople were no prizes either! Fred Gwynne's character was so world weary, it was no surprise to hear him say he would give up his share. Interesting episode to me.


GREAT EPISODE!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Eric Templeton

☆☆☆☆☆ A gem of an episode, on my "faves" list.

Cindy Caldwell

An entertaining play about greed, sin, and morality, this episode is a gripping fable delivered with great gusto by the usual CBSRMT players. Although the corrupt characters’ thoughts and actions may initially seem exaggerated, the plot is not outside the realm of possibility in our modern political landscape.

Professor Richard Pierson

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