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Killer's Appointment


A young woman takes the rap and goes to prison for her boyfriend who rips off his employer. When he abandons her while she is in prison, she plots her revenge.



Air Dates

  • First Run - October 18, 1976
  • Repeat - January 27, 1977





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13 Responses to Episode 0537

I did like the ending on this one,but what if he wasn't telling the truth?

Randy Mc

I agree with Randy. Good story but was she fooled?


So sad! Poor girl! Pretty well done. Fooled or not she was able to move on and reclaim her life.


A young girl's fiancé commits a crime but she confesses to spare him prison. He promises to wait for her and be married when she is released in a few years. He instead marries another and the jilted girl languishes in prison - contemplating his demise when she is released. Eventually, she is released.


A young woman takes the rap and goes to prison for her boyfriend who rips of his employer. When he abandons her while she is in prison, she plots her revenge.

M. Meyer

Bryna Raeburn is always pretty good playing a tough woman. Here, she handles the two roles of a jail warden and a worried mom very well. Too bad Lydia didn't slap Herbert when he said he'd divorce his wife and marry Lydia. As if Lydia was simply away on a trip or something instead of serving jail time for him.

Vicky Hernandez

I really got a kick out of Bryna Raeburn's portrayal of Agnes, the warden. Tough, but compassionate.


This was a good old fashion story. The woman makes a horrible decision and wastes a good part of her life as a result. There is some hope for her at the end! Worth a listen.


Lydia Prentiss is so in love with Herb Larson that when he assaults a factory guard and empties the company safe, she tells the police she is the guilty one. She’s willing to put off their wedding for three years if she can save Herb’s reputation. Suddenly, after a year, his daily letters stop coming to the jail, and so does he. When told by her mother that Herb has married his boss’s daughter, Lydia swears she’ll break out of prison and settle matters—with a gun.


I really enjoyed this episode and held my breathe to see how it would turn out. Thank you for archiving these shows!


I've been listening to the CBS Radio Mystery Theater in order. So far I'm up to mid-1976. And I notice every now and then, there seems to be a very deliberate "religious message" thrown in. Sometimes it's distracting, as there seems to be no connection to the storyline or the characters. Anyone else notice this? It has me wondering now if this happens in scripts supplied by one writer more than others, like Sam Dann. And before this sets anyone off, I'm not suggesting it shouldn't happen, or it's good or bad or whatever. Just seems out of place and a bit odd... As an example, I just listened to "Killer's Appointment," where a lady's fiance is arrested for robbing a bank. Visiting him in jail, she tells him, "God isn't just something to talk about. He is here. He is with us. All the time. Let's pray to him. He'll not let an innocent man go to jail." But that's the only part of the story where we have any inkling that this lady is religious. And religion isn't a factor in the story before or after this moment. Just seemed out of place. Made me think, "where the heck did that come from?" And I've noticed it before. I'll start writing it down from now on. See if it's all coming from the same writer or what.


I generally don't listen to the commercials (but I do love that Bud theme song). I do notice religious-themed commercials every now and then (but that's pretty normal). If it is in the context of the show, Himan Brown would have approved it I would think.


The overly religious themed shows usually have me heading for the skip button. I totally respect the beliefs of other people, totally, but I just can't handle that kind of stuff personally.


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