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Conspiracy to Defraud


The hero is a federal detective sent to France in order to track down heroin supplies. The villain is a Greek drug dealer who is not ready to even spare his girlfriend.



Air Dates

  • First Run - February 8, 1974
  • Repeat - April 21, 1974





161     48

11 Responses to Episode 0033

Easy to figure out who the villain was here. Interesting to see the French government insist that drugs don't come from France. Perhaps we were more naive in the 1970's not to realize that drugs come from everywhere! Crime drama; no supernatural elements.


I'm pretty sure Americans in the 1970s understood the French connection to heroin trafficking. In fact, a 5-Oscar-winning movie called "The French Connection" came out in '71 and was one of the most popular movies of the year.


The CBS-RMT episode deals probably with my least favorite radio show topic: A cop gets sent to France to deal with a drug cartel. For one, I hate foreign adventures because I can't relate to half the places they describe, and two, when it gets into drugs and stuff, I don't often understand half of what they're talking about, either. This one had a love interest, who you just knew was going to betray the American (which always happens!). The only saving grace was that the lead characters were amiable types. It was a struggle, but I made it through... Where's the "fear you can hear", CBS-RMT...


Just alright. That is the best way to describe this episode. I knew that Steve was going to be done wrong by the lovely American, who just happened to meet Steve on an international flight to Paris. It was interesting how it all tied together. The story was a bit complicated--at one point in time I wondered if Steve had forgot that he was an agent inspecting drug trafficking between France and the United States. Not Mystery Theater's best, but still, very entertaining.

Davy Joe

A federal drug agent goes to France to trace heroin shipments. A Greek drug dealer torments him and his new love interest.

Danny Montes

Engaging spy drama.

Troy Montero

A touch of The French Connection with Gene Hackman. An American detective goes to France to investigate heroin importation and the drug ring. On the flight over he encounters a woman with whome he makes a connection. They meet and share the sights in France. The detective also encounters some rough characters and one particularly influential Greek olive merchant who seems to be everywhere. A listenable crime drama. Kept me interested while pulling weeds in the back yard.

Jess L.

I agree that it wasn't the best episode and there wasn't "fear you could hear", but it kept me entertained long enough. It was difficult to find out what exactly this agent was doing in France besides seeing the woman he met on the plane.


Very predictable but entertaining spy drama. Very 1970's in nature. Much more interested in the commercials and news programs of the time tacked on.


Breaking News! President Nixon is withholding subpoenaed materials. Possible charges coming. Just listened to Conspiracy to Defraud recorded from a Kansas City radio station replete with news and commercials. Good show and made even better by the news and ads... NYPD detective go to France to investigate heroin smugglers... and falls in love with.... I wont ruin it for you.


This was an okay episode, not one of the best. However did like listening to the news from back in the day. Who could forget Nixon! Also the ad about wanting to change how things are and almost a half a century later....the same or worse still poverty and poor and middle class is vanishing, just like good old radio programs like RMT did. 😞


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