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The Deadly Blind Man's Bluff


In a terrible mishap, a riveter loses his eyesight. While he keeps up his physical strength, he slowly goes on a downward spiral emotionally. Besides that, his apartment is within earshot of his former construction site, making him feel much worse. The police warn the riveter and his wife about an escaped murder convict in their area, and a meeting between the two is preordained.



Air Dates

  • First Run - September 25, 1974
  • Repeat - November 15, 1974





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13 Responses to Episode 0152

This episode was solidly written, performed, and acted. It also had a moral lesson to it which I found refreshing. The wife in the story was also excessively devoted to her husband--I found that refreshing too. 4 stars.

Davy Joe

A high elevation riveter loses his sight in an accident. While he maintains his strength and physique through exercise, his emotional health is deteriorating. To make things worse, the construction site where he was working is within ear-shot of their apartment and he is reminded daily with the sound of the riveters. The local beat policemen are familiar with the citizens in their area and warn him and his wife about a murderer that is on the loose. The two shall, of course, meet.


After watching Mason Adams for years on Lou Grant, it's funny hearing him described as this big strapping construction worker.


Such a predictable ending but it was so well written and acted, I didn't even care!!


Yeah, it was predictable, but don't you enjoy rooting for the underdog? Crime drama, no supernatural elements.


I like that there wasn't a cheap "out," like the man magically regaining his sight. He experienced a real tragedy, went through understandable depression, then was lucky enough to find a purpose again. Yes, a predictable ending (mostly), but the story was very human to me. SPOILER: I thought that all the references to the honeysuckle and balcony were forshadowings, so I was SURE that he'd end up pushing the murderer over the railing to his death. Was a little disappointed he didn't. :(


A good listen. I was surprised that when Mason Adams was on the balcony and mentioned the smells that his sense of smell didn't come back to work in the conclusion (or the balcony), but that was probably just helping fill in some time as well as show how he was getting better at being blind.


This is an expanded version of Ian Martin's story "A Matter of Pride" which was broadcast on Theater Five in 1965.


The morality tale dramas aren't my favorite episodes, but it was basically a well-acted story. There were some things I didn't like abut it though. Am I the only one who thought the wife was mean to tell her husband that he was "acting like a baby" and saying that she "liked him better" when he was himself? I didn't think that was very nice to say to someone who was dealing with the loss of ones eyesight. In my opinion, it was a cruel thing to say, and it could have driven him over the edge. Why does everyone think she was such a great, supportive wife? That said, at least she didn't leave him and she was kind, for the most part. But that one scene was brutal! Talk about the WRONG way to treat a man in his position.


Just a follow up to my last comment... because someone mentioned it here, I checked out "Theater Five" version of the story and it's amazing how similar it was to the CBSRMT version. It is almost exactly the same, except it is shorter. Since CBSRMT is a lot longer, they flushed out the dialogue a lot more. In a way, I liked it better shorter because with all the dialogue in the CBSRMT version, it becomes too melodramatic and soap opera-ish, imo. Also, that guy who often plays young crooks on CBSRMT was in this episode, so it was almost like listening to a shorter version of CBSRMT, lol! The wife in the "Theter Five" version also says he was "acting like a baby" (although not as harshly), but I still think it isn't so nice to say.


GOOD EPISODE! This episode includes the original commercials and newscast, which I always enjoy hearing. Listening to them takes me back to the days when I was much younger!

Eric Templeton

A very well acted story, Mason Adams always good,. But a bit predictable especially if anyone is familiar with the story wait until dark.


Enjoyed this episode, good story, acting and enjoyed the commercials and news. A walk down memory lane! Glad the wife stayed with the husband. I know it seemed harsh what she said, but the changes in their life are tough for both husband and wife. It has to be worked through. Good moral storyline and positive ending.


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