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Ghost at High Noon


While on a road trip, two women experience car trouble in the middle of the desert. A strange old man driving an outdated wagon assists them and takes them to the nearest town. The women become suspicious and disturbed when they realize that the townsfolk do not seem to hear them.



Air Dates

  • First Run - July 29, 1974
  • Repeat - September 28, 1974





208     48

27 Responses to Episode 0124

A good one it is. Two women are stranded on a desert highway when a man comes to help them. This story has both a 'Hotel California' and 'Twilight Zone' flair.


Two traveling women have their car break down in the desert. They are met by an old man traveling in a covered wagon. He takes them to a ghost town where they cannot make the residents hear them. But the residents have plans for them.

Nelson McAllister

Two traveling women's car breaks down in the desert. They are met by an old man in a covered wagon who takes them to a strange town where the residents refuse to acknowledge their existence. But the residents do have plans for them. Superb ghost story, well acted and well told.

Brad Pete

Two women break down in the desert and are approached by an old-timer who somehow knows them and says they are expected in the town over the hill. They are surprised and reluctant to go with him but there seems no other help coming at the moment. When they arrive in this strange little town it is as though they have stepped back in time over 100 years. While it has its charm, the two are quite anxious to get homeā€¦ if they can.


Two women didn't break down. Their car did!


For 48 minutes, Celese Holm and Frances Sternhagen become increasingly frustrated trying to get the hell out. By the end of the episode I knew exactly how they feel. Look, I love CBSRMT and these actresses but it's unavoidable you're going to get a dud every now and then. The problem isn't the setup, it's that it plays out exactly how you think it will with absolutely no surprises. The women's increasing frustration trying t get a straight answer from the "ghosts" becomes just that, frustrating, since you already know what is going on.


I always thought this was a good, creepy little ghost-town story. My only problem with it-- is the casting. Both Frances Sternhagen and Celeste Holm are fine, but their voices are too similar. It's very difficult to tell which of the women are talking at any given time. Another episode I really enjoy "If I Can't Have You" suffers from the same problem. The two lead males-- Bob Kaliban and Russell Horton-- are extremely diffcult to distinguish between. In both cases, it really distracts from my enjoyment of the tales-- which I otherwise thoroughly enjoyed. Fortunately, this problem rarely occurs in the RMT's I've listened to. Other than that, very fun story...............


I experienced the same thing when I heard "If I can't have you." The confusion was terrible, which is why I remember that episode so well. I believe it was about a chamber ensemble in a totalitarian country. I hope my confusion well not be nearly as great when I listen to "Ghost at High Noon."


The offbeat nature of the story made it interesting. As E.G. Marshall points out in his introduction, this episode departed from some ghost story conventions. I was reminded of an episode in which a couple stumbles into a town populated by the dead.


this episode was very reminiscent of another RMT episode--"Sleepy Village"--where a couple looking to retire in some "sleepy" out of the way town find a hamlet full of ghosts. I enjoyed "Sleepy Village" more (of course it stars Norman Rose-- one of the best!) Until Next Time...................


So, is the Old Timer a ghost or not? He continued to age when no one else did. Ghost story.


This was a fantastic episode. I must admit that I had to listen to the final 4 minutes twice just to take the cliffhanger all in. The acting and script were great. The "Mr. Old Timer" will be a character I won't soon forget. 4 stars.


Great ghost story with an interesting twist at the end. It was very satisfying to have everything brought together at the end, very similar to the last episode of Breaking Bad.

Jim Grazko

Mr. Old Timer - I love that name and hope to have it when I'm older. I enjoyed that in this episode the sound effect of the wind wasn't so prevalent as in previous episodes. It was muted enough to hear, but not so loud as to take attention away from the dialogue. This was indeed a unique ghost story and I was curious if Mr. Old Timer was the baby that had been left. Even if I didn't understand the need for them to get new people once a year to do things that they will never be able to do (due to the attack on the town), I still found it an enjoyable episode.


Wow! Excellent theory! I first heard this episode when I was a kid and it stuck with me. It never occurred to me that the baby and the old man could be the same person...what a fascinating point to ponder!


One of my fav episodes!


I will have to listen tonight. If you have an Android App, look for Old Time Radio. You can listen to all the season of Mystery Theater and H. Brown's Inner Sanctum.

chuck pop

Ghost at High is my favorite.


Not a fave. It was just ok. MI gave it a 2 of 5 stars since there are far more episodes better than this. I kept waiting for "the punch line" without giving away the story.


Stranded on a lonely stretch of road when their car breaks down, Marian and Janet are taken by an oldtimer in a wagon to the strange ghost town of Mirado. In vain they try to persuade their ancient escort to help them back to civilization. But he has an unsettling way of insisting that they have come home to Mirado, and that there they will stay. Their panic grows with each turn of events, revealing one live ghost.


A mildly entertaining story line that ended up not going anywhere. I was expecting a better ending.


Although you have an idea of what is going to happen, this story still engages you. I think Mr Old Timer was the baby. You keep hoping for the ladies but....Also you wonder is the town alive in another dimension? Good ghost story and they left in commercials at the beginning, yeah! Good sound effects.


Listened back in 74 when I was still at home.M my brother and I bunked together, I was on bottom and he on top. We were always in bed before 1030 lights out to hear episode. I put an hour cassette in radio, hit record and fall asleep before it ended and finish listening next day. My brother and I some 46 years later bunk in the camper he on top me bottom and relive our late childhood memories of past pleasures. I thank CBS for making this available to re-enjoy. I also find of great value of some the other episodes still have their vintage original commercials during that time area still intact as well as to even mention the energy crises of 74 on this just listened to episode. I have to give a 4 to 5 star rating because of the fact they all been made re-available.


A Brigadoon type story set in the western desert. I had to listen to the ending again because it was unclear. Still, a relaxing winter evening listening to Mystery Theater. It's interesting to hear Watergate unfold with each episode. Glad that all if these have the news on the top of the hours

Kathy D

Good episode except for the distracting wind blowing in the background...


If you want to hear a continuation of this story with a young couple in the lead go to the spin off series The General Mills Radio Adventure Theater "A Different Ghost Town" I liked the ending a lot better in that one.


.. Finally I was wrong about the women's , it seems they were still alive and idea was that they were ghosts themselves , killed by the heat


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