CBSRMT Episode Information Next Episode


Waking and Sleeping


Despite having everything his heart desires, a man finds there is a void in his life and only the Black Feral Dog in the park can help him unravel the mystery.



Air Dates

  • First Run - June 29, 1981
  • Repeat - September 29, 1981





115     20

12 Responses to Episode 1214

Stunningly beautiful story, surely one of the best--if not the best--of Eric's [rofoundly sensitive dramas. Just astonishing.

Rev V

The show description is not for this show (Help Somebody). A depressed man separated from his wife moves to a new town and meets a girl standing in a field of daisies. I like the show, but wish the girls voice have been done differently.


You hit the nail on the head. Why they went for a squeaky little voice for a 17 yo girl is was a strange choice.


Hmmm... beautiful quaint story


I am a little surprised Robert Dryden, Amanda Plummer and Teri Keane are not also listed. This amazing website is usually very thorough.


Yes, they are usually very thorough. However there are several that do have incorrect descriptions and missing actors listed. All in all, it's a very well put together collection of the CBSRMT. productions and I am very happy someone took the time to keep them alive. My teen aged daughters live listening to them as well!

Jim K.

Surely one of the show's top five best episodes. Perfectly casted, deliciously performed and the best evidenceof that CBSRMT's single greatest accomplishment — taking nothing from the monumental talents gathered here — is as a showcase for the mesmerizing mind of Elspeth Eric. Everyone knew she was a strikingly beautiful actress; few knew she could write. . If you're taking your first taste of this extraordinary body of work, look for Eric's writing credit and see what you think.


A 62-year-old man (Michael Tolan) travels to Ungerville (supposedly named for the Danish word for "young"), where he meets a 17-year-old played by Tammy Grimes' daughter, Amanda Plummer. The girl's mother and the man's wife are played by Teri Keane, and Robert Dryden also appears.


I was completely floored by the revelation near the climax. So this may be a spoiler alert! All along the man goes to this town where nothing happens, to look for something or find something in his life. He goes out horse-back riding and finds a field full of daisies. In it there is a little girl I figured is about 7 or 8 years old. He strikes up a conversation about daisies and flowers and asks her why she isn't in school. She didn't feel like going. The next day he is out and can't find the field of daisies. Meets the little girl who tells him the farmer mowed them down to plant a crop. The man feels shocked and I suppose this is a kind of moral lesson about mankind fighting nature. The next day he is out riding again and spooks a huge flock of birds out of the field. The little girl comes by again who didn't see any birds, but tells him she loves him. Again she is playing like an 8-year-old girl and the man says that's not possible, he's too old for her (obviously) and then asks how old is she. "Seventeen", she says. Whoa, that's where I was floored. What kind of backwoods country is that where a seventeen-year-old girl sounds and acts like an eight-year-old? Only in America. Apparently the town's name of Youngville was aptly chosen.

D.C. Klinkensmit

A 60-year-old businessman takes up residence in tiny Ungerville to try to restore some meaning to a life that now seems empty to him. But his cherished solitude is broken by a chance remark to a young girl. His comment convinces the girl that he is a god, and Ungerville residents want to ride him out of town.


I love this one. Yes, the girl's voice is poor, but the rest makes it one of my favorites.


I didn't care much for this one. I kept wondering why all the residents of the town were so freakishly weird. Never found out. LOL


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